Updated: December 4, 2024

Resource Notes

Level Name Display Name Level ID Left Kill Boundary Right Kill Boundary Top Kill Boundary Bottom Kill Boundary Thumbnail
Grove Twilight Grove 1 800 1050 800 850 Twilight Grove
Brawlhaven Brawlhaven 2 700 700 700 850 Brawlhaven
Temple Grumpy Temple 3 700 700 700 968 Grumpy Temple
Random Random 6 Random
GreatHall The Great Hall 7 697 697 1100 1007 The Great Hall
KingsPass Kings Pass 11 880 930 966 950 Kings Pass
SmallKingsPass Small Kings Pass 12 796 700 966 950 Small Kings Pass
Brawlball Brawlballa Arena 15 700 700 400 500 Brawlballa Arena
Bombsketball Bombsketball Arena 16 700 700 400 850 Bombsketball Arena
Ricochet Dodgebomb Arena 17 700 700 400 850 Dodgebomb Arena
Volleyball Beachbrawl Arena 20 700 700 400 850 Beachbrawl Arena
TitansEnd Titan's End 22 700 900 1000 950 Titan's End
Stadium Thundergard Stadium 24 900 900 500 1000 Thundergard Stadium
ShipwreckFalls Shipwreck Falls 25 1200 1200 700 1000 Shipwreck Falls
Brawlball4v4 Big Brawlball Arena 39 700 700 400 850 Big Brawlball Arena
Enigma The Enigma 40 700 700 800 850 The Enigma
Blackguard Blackguard Keep 43 1000 1000 800 1150 Blackguard Keep
Fortress Mammoth Fortress 47 1000 1000 800 900 Mammoth Fortress
BigTitansEnd Big Titan's End 55 700 900 1000 950 Big Titan's End
BigStadium Big Thundergard Stadium 56 900 900 500 1000 Big Thundergard Stadium
BigGrove Big Twilight Grove 57 500 500 700 950 Big Twilight Grove
BigGreatHall Big Great Hall 58 1100 1100 900 850 Big Great Hall
BigLostLabyrinth Big Lost Labyrinth 59 1000 1000 840 1000 Big Lost Labyrinth
SmallStadium Small Thundergard Stadium 62 705 705 500 1000 Small Thundergard Stadium
SmallFortress Small Mammoth Fortress 63 1000 1000 800 900 Small Mammoth Fortress
SmallBlackguard Small Blackguard Keep 64 1000 1000 1000 1250 Small Blackguard Keep
SmallGreatHall Small Great Hall 65 697 697 1100 1007 Small Great Hall
Fangwild The Fangwild 70 600 1000 500 900 The Fangwild
Wheel Wheel 71 1000 1000 1000 1000 Wheel
LostLabyrinth Lost Labyrinth 73 800 800 840 1000 Lost Labyrinth
BigRicochet Big Dodgebomb Arena 74 700 700 400 850 Big Dodgebomb Arena
CatchBombs Catch Bombs 75 500 500 300 500
MiamiDome Miami Dome 76 803 803 853 1053 Miami Dome
SmallTemple Small Grumpy Temple 81 700 700 700 968 Small Grumpy Temple
ColorPlatforms Color Platforms 84 700 700 700 700 Color Platforms
Tutorial1 Tutorial 1 89 1000 1000 800 900 Tutorial 1
Tutorial2 Tutorial 2 90 1000 1000 800 900 Tutorial 2
Tutorial3 Tutorial 3 91 1000 1000 800 900 Tutorial 3
SmallBrawlhaven Small Brawlhaven 94 700 700 700 700 Small Brawlhaven
SmallEnigma Small Enigma 95 700 700 800 850 Small Enigma
SmallFangwild Small Fangwild 100 1000 1000 600 750 Small Fangwild
Climb Temple Climb 105 600 600 600 400 Temple Climb
CTF Demon Island CTF 112 400 400 200 650 Demon Island CTF
FinalRagnarok Demon Island 135 900 900 400 1000 Demon Island
BattleHill Plains of Passage 115 800 800 1000 850 Plains of Passage
Soccer Kung Foot Arena 123 700 700 400 850 Kung Foot Arena
WarShuttle Apocalypse 124 800 800 900 825 Apocalypse
BigMiamiDome Big Miami Dome 128 870 870 903 1053 Big Miami Dome
SmallGalvanPrime Small Galvan Prime 127 1250 1250 1200 1100 Small Galvan Prime
Horde Horde 129 1100 1100 900 850 Horde
Buddy Under the Canopy 130 50 50 50 50 Under the Canopy
TreeHouse Tree Fort 131 900 900 700 850 Tree Fort
Ring Ring 132 900 900 700 850 Ring
BigCrystalTemple Big Crystal Temple 136 100 100 800 800 Big Crystal Temple
CrystalTemple Crystal Temple 137 800 800 900 825 Crystal Temple
ClimbFFA Temple Ruins 138 800 800 850 700 Temple Ruins
GalvanPrime Galvan Prime 139 800 800 850 700 Galvan Prime
SynthwaveSoccer Synthwave Kung Foot 140 700 700 400 850 Synthwave Kung Foot
SynthwaveFFA Sun Drive City 141 750 750 400 850 Sun Drive City
Showdown Spirit Realm Showdown 143 1600 1600 350 1000 Spirit Realm Showdown
ShowdownNoTraps Divine Spirit Showdown 154 1600 1600 350 1000 Divine Spirit Showdown
Zombie Walker Attack! 146 10 600 400 850 Walker Attack!
SpiritRealm Spirit Realm 151 720 720 400 850 Spirit Realm
NorseBrawlball World's End Arena 152 300 300 200 300 World's End Arena
NorseBrawlball4v4 Big World's End Arena 153 300 300 200 300 Big World's End Arena
NorseWinterFFA World's End 174 750 750 500 850 World's End
TMNTFFA The Turtles' Lair 175 750 750 800 550 The Turtles' Lair
SmallTMNT Small Turtles' Lair 177 950 950 950 500 Small Turtles' Lair
BloodMoonFFA Fortress of the Lions 178 150 150 500 850 Fortress of the Lions
BloodMoon1v1 Small Fortress of Lions 182 600 600 650 725 Small Fortress of Lions
BloodMoonClimb Siege of Lions 180 600 600 600 400 Siege of Lions
ScuffleShuffle Suzaku Castle 185 1000 1000 800 800 Suzaku Castle
RumbleArena Suzaku Castle Walls 184 720 720 400 850 Suzaku Castle Walls
BP52v2 Void Minor 186 850 850 700 750 Void Minor
BP5FFA Void Major 187 800 800 700 600 Void Major
GIDoJoe Arashikage Dojo 190 500 500 750 750 Arashikage Dojo
StreetBrawl3 Bustling Side Street 191 1000 1000 400 850 Bustling Side Street
BP6GiantSword Fabled City 210 800 800 860 200 Fabled City
BP6GiantSword1v1 Small Fabled City 211 550 550 750 600 Small Fabled City
OneUpOneDown Western Air Temple 212 800 800 900 800 Western Air Temple
FourSquare Halo 213 697 697 1100 1007 Halo
Rooftop Florence Rooftop 216 550 550 750 600 Florence Rooftop
RooftopFFA Florence Terrace 217 550 550 750 600 Florence Terrace
OneUpOneDownFFA3 Western Air Temple Brawl 222 800 1050 800 850 Western Air Temple Brawl
CastleSpire Dracula's Castle 218 800 800 1000 850 Dracula's Castle
CastleSpireReverse Inverted Dracula's Castle 219 800 800 1000 850 Inverted Dracula's Castle
BP7TableTop Shorwind Fishing Port 220 800 800 900 825 Shorwind Fishing Port
HordeTwo Nightmare Horde 226 1100 1100 900 850 Nightmare Horde
VolleyBattle Thundergard Sands 221 700 700 400 850 Thundergard Sands
TriPlatBattle Mishima Dojo 223 700 700 800 850 Mishima Dojo
VolleyBattleSmall TEKKEN Brawl 227 700 700 400 850 TEKKEN Brawl
BP8ThreePlatform Small Terminus 229 900 900 400 1000 Small Terminus
BP8ThreePlatformFFABig Terminus 231 900 900 100 1000 Terminus
Norse1v1Spike Small World's End 233 700 700 700 700 Small World's End
SpongebobMap Bikini Bottom 232 800 800 900 825 Bikini Bottom
BP9EndTimesSmall Crumbling Chasm 235 1200 1200 700 1000 Crumbling Chasm
BP9EndTimesTiny Crumbled Chasm 238 1200 1200 700 1000 Crumbled Chasm
BP9EndTimesStatic Chasm 239 1200 1200 700 1000 Chasm
BP9EndTimesBig Apocalyptic Chasm 236 1200 1200 700 1000 Apocalyptic Chasm
Mustafar Mustafar 237 800 1050 800 850 Mustafar
RefineryDoors Theed Power Generator 242 705 705 500 1000 Theed Power Generator
ThreeShips Starlight Falls 234 1200 1200 700 700 Starlight Falls
StarWarsSinglePlat2 Mos Eisley Spaceport 249 1000 1000 800 900 Mos Eisley Spaceport